The Cultural Gala with the theme “Transforming Culture to Embrace Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality” was an ocassion to remember since it reflected the role of technology in shaping our cultures and promoting gender equality. The event was held at the Unik Graduation square and it featured performances from various cultural associations from different regions.
Different associations participated in the competition to showcase their cultural heritage and how they are embracing innovation and technology to promote gender equality. The competition was divided into five categories that is folk song, drama, set piece, cultural wear, and traditional dances.
The judges were impressed by the creativity and ingenuity of the performances, which all incorporated elements of technology and innovation.
The gala kicked off with the set piece which was the university anthem performed by NESA, Bankosa, Banyakitara, and ISA respectively showcasing the beauty and richness of their culture. The audience was captivated by their stunning voices, costumes and energetic dance moves.
The Cultural Gala was a powerful reminder of the importance of embracing innovation and technology in shaping our cultures and promoting gender equality. The associations showcased their creativity and commitment to this cause, inspiring the audience to continue the work of transforming our cultures and societies.
After much anticipation, the winners were announced. Bankosa cultural association emerged as the overall winner with a total of 447 points. Their performances were a testament to their commitment to embracing technology and using it to promote gender equality.
NESA cultural association came in second place with 393 points, followed by Banyakitara with 373 points and ISA with 321 points. All the associations were commended for their dedication and efforts in promoting cultural diversity and gender equality.
The event was a huge success and it demonstrated how cultural heritage can be transformed to embrace innovation and technology for gender equality in their communities. The event was a testament to the fact that culture is not static, and it can evolve to reflect the changing needs of society.
Banyakitara Association
International Students Association